Soils respire huge quantities of CO2. Have we previously overlooked what is perhaps the most important influence on the climate – the life in the soil? Until now there has been very little awareness of the dramatic relationships between soil use and climate change – or else they have been hushed up.
Through the intensive, indiscriminate working of the land, worldwide agriculture is responsible for around 30 percent of dangerous greenhouse gas emissions. But it is right here in agriculture where the forgotten chance to save the climate lies. The latest research shows that systematic build-up of humus ensures that CO2 can be locked away for sustained periods.
This documentary shows what we can learn from our ancestors and how we can shape the future right on our own doorsteps. It relentlessly uncovers the sins of intensive agriculture and shows how committed people are developing modern solutions.
Shot in many countries around the globe, “Humus – The forgotten hope for the climate” uncovers some surprising stories and facts about the ground beneath our feet.