Home » Films » Das System Milch

Das System Milch

The Truth about Milk
2017 | 90 min | Recommended min. age: 14 y

Milk is big business. Behind the seemingly innocent drink lies a multi-billion-dollar industrial network. Profit is made at the expense of the environment, animals, people and our health.

The “Das System Milch” is a cinematic journey across several continents that clears up prejudices and points out solutions.

The picture of happy cows shines on almost every milk package, but reality has long since changed. Dairy cattle farming has become a multi-billion dollar industry, which ensures that milk consumption worldwide is constantly increasing. The documentary takes a look behind the scenes of the dairy industry, highlighting the consequences for people, animals and the environment. Furthermore, it shows what responsibility politics and consumers bear in a globalised world.

The renowned South Tyrolean documentary film director Andreas Pichler has already received many awards for his work, including the Grimme Prize for “Call Me Babylon” in 2004 and a Grimme Prize nomination for “Der Pfad des Kriegers”. In 2015, he received the Franco-German Journalist Award for “Europe for Sale”.

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