Darwin’s Nightmare
Forty years ago, a voracious predator was introduced into the waters of Tanzania’s Lake Victoria where it quickly extinguished the entire stock of native fish.
Its ecological impact aside, the Nile Perch became highly prized for its tender, plump fillets, hardly meeting the demand at elegant 4-star European restaurants. Huge, empty foreign cargo planes land to export the lake’s gourmet bounty, taking out 55 tons of processed fish daily. In their wake, they leave starving villagers to scrounge a meal out of the discarded fish heads and rotting carcasses.
With massive epidemics, raging civil wars, crime, homelessness, and drug-addicted children, the question becomes: what do the reportedly “empty” planes deliver to this destitute community? The answer is as shocking as it is devastating, and Darwin’s Nightmare becomes a nightmare for all mankind.