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The International Films for the Earth Foundation was founded in 2018.
Its focus: To strengthen Films for the Earth internationally and to distribute selected environmental documentaries for charitable purposes.

Focus of the foundation

The Films for the Earth Foundation was established in 2018. Its aim is to strengthen the work of the two associations in Switzerland and Germany and to make a global contribution to environmental education.

The International Films for the Earth Foundation aims to promote the distribution of selected films and other media on the theme of the environment and nature. To this end, it links up with film professionals and creative artists and acquires film rights. Together with committed patrons, our foundation provides films for charitable purposes.

The foundation also takes care of the curation of the films. The film selection as well as the professional evaluation standards are unique and represent an important quality feature of Films for the Earth. Without compelling films, the festival, pop-up cinema and school events would not be possible.

The Foundation is the international umbrella for the Swiss and German associations and other partnerships. It also develops and operates the central services required by the associations for environmental education.

The Foundation is denominationally and politically neutral. It is charitable and does not pursue profit-making purposes.

Foundation Board

Michael Zeugin
President of the Foundation Board

Chris Huggenberg
Foundation Councilor

Silvia Gygax-Matter
Foundation Councilor

Alina Glückstadt
Foundation Councilor

Foundation office

Sandra Boschert
Management Films for the Earth Switzerland