Von Bananenbäumen träumen
Oberndorf, a village on the Elbe estuary. The municipal fund is empty, jobs are scarce, and small farms are abandoned. However, some villagers do not want to accept the threat of decline. Together they open a pub and take on a momentous plan – they want to earn money to save the village. The basis of their business idea is liquid manure, which is abundant here. With the help of project developers from Berlin, they set up a citizen’s company and create an extraordinary business model. The raw material from the cow sheds is supposed to provide the energy for the breeding of African catfish and banana trees!
The courageous idea is inspiring more and more people: locals and visitors, adults and children are beginning to dream and roll up their sleeves with a wide view. But then the school threatens to close, and until the first fish arrive, it’s a long way to go…
Over a period of three years, filmmaker Antje Hubert tells the story of this small but dynamic movement – carried by very different people who are gradually changing not only their village but also themselves.
“Von Bananenbäumen Träumen” (Dreaming of Banana Trees) is a film whose positive spirit of departure is both inspiring and touching.