Home » Films » 184 – Defending whales in Iceland

184 – Defending whales in Iceland

2016 | 40 min | Recommended min. age: 18 y

Despite the existence of an international moratorium on all commercial whaling operations, Iceland has allowed its whalers to kill 154 fin and 229 minke whales each year. Paradoxically, while Iceland’s growing whale watching industry brings tens of thousands of tourists to Iceland each year, Iceland’s whalers continue to decimate the same whale populations.

Motivated by an abhorrence for the unconscionable slaughter of some of nature’s most majestic animals, the activists of Hard To Port embark on a journey to Iceland with the aim of launching the first phase of their “Whaler Watching” campaign and of disrupting the whaling season. “184 – Defending whales in Iceland” portrays the actions and findings of Hard To Port’s two week journey to Iceland in the summer of 2015.

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