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Planet Earth

The most beautiful films about the diversity of life on our planet.

In 4.5 billion years, our Earth has transformed from a glowing hot sphere into a thriving place of life. During this time, complex communities of life and interdependencies have developed between the various living things. Every plant, animal and fungus works for the natural balance on our earth. The more diverse the species, the more resilient and stable our ecosystems are and the better they can respond to climate changes such as drought or storms. If we protect ecosystems like forests and oceans, we also protect the diversity that lives there.

The age of man accounts for no more than 0.004% in Earth’s history. A blink of an eye! Millions of fascinating species were around before humans, and most of them for much longer. Yet humans have become the main driver of species loss, climate and environmental change – in just 150 years.

So how can we once again see ourselves as part of the Earth’s diverse system and act accordingly? We are part of nature, closely interwoven with it, and our lives depend on this mutuality.

The films in this section show the beauty and diversity of our Earth and how we can preserve it.

Our movie tips for Planet Earth


Star rating: 4.5 of 6
90 min | Recommended min. age: 12 y
free to show, free to view with us


Since Bertrand’s and Besson’s received sponsoring for their film, viewers in France were able to watch "HOME" free-of-charge at cinemas and to purchase the DVD in French for only 5 Euros. Thanks to the sponsors, a world première on TV, youtube, DVD and at cinemas took place in June 2009, with the aim of reaching 48 million viewers in 87 countries in 14 different languages. Since Germany and Switzerland somehow missed out on this première, Films for the Earth initiated ten public screenings and distributed 630 DVDs. These DVDs were handed out for free with the idea of them being passed on to family and friends in order to potentially reach 15,000 people. This film is also suitable for children and can be shown in schools. It is best viewed on the largest projection screen possible.
free to show, free to view with us
Star rating: 4.5 of 6
90 min | Recommended min. age: 12 y