Home » Films » Wilde Nächte

Wilde Nächte

wenn die Tiere erwachen
Star rating: 4.5 of 6
2018 | 43 min | Recommended min. age: 6 y

The majority of our native wildlife is nocturnal and only when we go to sleep do they appear. When the nightingale sings her love song and glowing fireflies go looking for a mate, stone martens, badgers and raccoons crawl out of their hiding places right next to us. They all satisfy their desires at night and find the best conditions here. The permanent light doesn’t bother them much and often it’s only their traces that bear witness to their existence when dormice enter houses, martens nibble on car cables and foxes are wreaking havoc on chicken farms. But there are also dangers lurking everywhere that are not always natural. After all, light also plays an important role at night and though the animals hardly need it, it influences their lives.

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