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The Chikukwa Project

An amazing story of African villagers who turned their lives around.
2013 | 53 min

“The Chikukwa Project” is a feel good story out of Africa. For the last 20 years an incredible permaculture project has been growing in Zimbabwe.

Where once the people of the Chikukwa villages suffered hunger, malnutrition and high rates of disease, this community has turned its fortunes around using permaculture farming techniques. Complementing these strategies for food security, they have built their community strength through locally controlled and initiated programs for permaculture training, conflict resolution, women’s empowerment, primary education and HIV management.

Now they have a surplus of food and the people in these villages are healthy and proud of their achievements. Their degraded landscape has been turned into a lush paradise.

A brother and sister team travelled to Zimbabwe and made this film which shows why this project has been so successful.

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