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Der Achte Schöpfungstag

Zivilcourage in Altötting
2010 | 60 min | Recommended min. age: 16 y

Over the past four years, many farmers and consumers in Bavaria have recognised the risks that agro-genetic engineering entails and have advocated GMO-free counties.

The “Zivilcourage – Freie Bauern und Bürger AG gegen Agro-Gentechnik” is known far beyond the borders of Bavaria as a grassroots movement in which many different groups fight together for one goal: freedom from agro genetic engineering. What people miss is a clear positioning of the churches.

For this reason, many people accepted the invitation of Zivilcourage Traunstein, Berchtesgadener Land and Altötting to the star pilgrimage to Altötting. “We don’t need agricultural genetic engineering,” says Georg Planthaler (farmer, organiser of the event). Father Witti from Feuchten/Hl. Kreuz found clear words in his sermon: “the eighth day of creation can become a curse if man makes himself the creator”. Percy and Louise Schmeiser (winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize) also recalled the irreversible outcrossing of GMOs in nature, as has already happened with round-up-ready rape in their native Canada.

Christoph Fischer (founder of Zivilcourage) warned the listeners against blaming and motivated independent thinking and regional awareness in the ensuing rally. Bertram Verhaag and his team documented this outcry from Bavaria to finally translate words into deeds to preserve creation.

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