The Next Industrial Revolution
“The Next Industrial Revolution” communicates the work and vision of architect William McDonough and chemist Dr. Michael Braungart, two leaders in a growing movement to transform the relationship between commerce and nature.
McDonough and Braungart work with corporations with over half a trillion dollars in annual sales, companies like Ford and Nike, to redesign buildings, processes, and products to work according to nature’s rules.
“When we follow nature’s rules, growth is good,” says Bill McDonough. “The question before us is not growth versus no growth, It is: what would good growth look like? And this is a question of intent, of design. What if we grow health instead of sickness, home ownership instead of indigence, education instead of ignorance?”
Using the stories of five projects that represent a revolutionary change in the direction of the human economy, “The Next Industrial Revolution” inspires people to:
-reconsider their current efforts for the environment,
-reinvent their businesses and institutions to work with nature,
-redefine themselves as consumers, producers, and citizens to promote a new sustainable relationship with the Earth.