Permaculture is the design and imitation of ecosystems that function indefinitely. The forest always serves as a model. As a closed-loop system, it produces throughout the year what it needs itself. Besides cultivating close to nature, permaculture is also a philosophy of life. Recognising problems and seeing them become solutions. “Because there is a solution for everything – that’s what permaculture is about for me. The positive, the possible,” Trix explains. Diversity is the supreme principle of permaculture. Artichoke, chard and kohlrabi grow with and alongside juniper, wormwood and leeks. They surround a young fruit tree and support it as it grows. The chicken, the copper-necked goat and Pomeranian duck – all are organic workers on the Auenhof. Their metabolic products create valuable nutrients for the soil.

Only through the diversity of the plant and animal community on the farm does the farm organism become stable, long-lasting and self-regulating. And thus functions according to the same principle as an ecosystem. Humans are also part of the farm organism and combine the components so that they harmonise.

At the Down to Earth Academy, Marcus, who has been involved in permaculture for 20 years, gives courses for students. The focus is on practical questions: How do you collect rainwater, how is compost layered and how can plants be combined?
The Auenhof invites everyone to experience permaculture at first hand. Trix is not a gardener, but a designer and artist, and she stands for the fact that you can learn the method at any time, regardless of your background.

At the Down to Earth Academy, Marcus, who has been involved in permaculture for 20 years, gives courses for students. The focus is on practical questions: How do you collect rainwater, how is compost layered and how can plants be combined?
In the meantime, nature has created a small paradise on the Auenhof: “It is inexhaustible and it creates and creates”. Within half a year, the young farm produces more than enough healthy food and it keeps growing. Neighbours already buy fruit and vegetables from the small farm shop, which they pick themselves. Next year, even more people should be able to enjoy the organic food and medicinal herbs of the Auenhof. “Permaculture is the most promising tool for the future to get back to healthy species, healthy food and thus healthy people,” Trix is convinced.
Film Tips of Trix und Marcus
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…shows us what we are here on planet Earth, to put our overrated species into perspective.
Demain…because of the positive attitude.