After “Blue Heart”, Patagonia’s latest film again takes up the protection of the aquatic world in its usual visual and sound aesthetics. On its journey through fish farms and breeding facilities from North America to Europe, “Artifishal” illustrates one thing above all: the progressive rupture between man and nature. Against the rapidly dwindling wild salmon stocks, the North American fishing machinery reaches deep into its bag of tricks – and the taxpayers’ wallets. For example, countless farmed salmon are dropped into the rivers from helicopters so that they can be fished again along the river courses – much to the delight of the sport fishermen. In Europe, the picture is similarly bleak: a dive into a fish farm in Norway shows why open net pens are taking their toll on wild Atlantic salmon.
Can humans use technology to repair destroyed habitats and ecosystems? And at what ecological and financial cost? The grotesque answer from the United States: The industry sells itself as a medicine against depleted wildlife populations, but primarily keeps itself alive. At the same time, it prevents the most effective and cost-efficient solution for the recovery of the populations: the renaturation of rivers and the protection of habitats. (Director: Josh Murphy, 80 min)
Discover Artifishal.