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Water is essential for life. Agriculture in particular relies on huge amounts of freshwater for food production. 92% of our daily water consumption goes into the production of food, especially meat. But our clothing also has a high water footprint.

With population growth and higher standards of living, this blue gold is becoming increasingly scarce. But intensive irrigation practices in agriculture are also tapping into water reserves.

At the same time, business with the commodity “water” is booming. Water sources are bought up, the water bottled and sold in supermarkets. The local population often loses out. But who actually owns water? Is water a tradable commodity or is its free availability a human right? We all have a thirst for water.

Dive into the fascinating world of water in this section.

Our movie tips for Water

Bottled Life

90 min | Recommended min. age: 16 y

Bottled Life

Res Gehriger, Peter Brabeck, Hanspeter Müller
The film is excellently made, but it lacked relevant benchmarks to the figures presented. How much water does agriculture need? How much water flows down a river? How much of it does Nestlé take out? How much do Coca Cola and Pepsi take out? This made it difficult to form an opinion about or gain a picture of the relevance of what it presents.
90 min | Recommended min. age: 16 y