“Parched” is a 3-part documentary mini-series by National Geographic. The project takes a hard-hitting look at the plight that currently affects billions and is becoming an increased concern for Americans. The mini-series is intended as a companion series to the film “Water & Power” (2017)
Episode 1 – Money Flows: This episode explores an alarming trend, where Wall Street banks control municipalities and hold the everyday American’s water supply in their grip.
Episode 2 – Toxic Water: Illegal dumping affects a cattle farmer’s livelihood, and lax regulations for oil companies result in water contamination.
Episode 3 – Global Water Wars: This episode of “Parched” zeroes in on the world’s most vulnerable hot spots for water-related conflict.
Episode 4 – A California Heist: As California experiences increasing water woes and the future of its agriculture becomes less certain, the world is waking up to the stark reality that water has become a commodity and it is one that is already being exploited by those in power.
The series explores the corporate, political and social interests that are responsible for our water-limited future.