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The best films on the topics of mobility and transport: from bicycles to electric cars to urban planning. Discover what keeps us moving.

Globalisation and digitalisation require a high mobility of people and goods and accelerate it at the same time.

In our everyday lives, we rely on goods and people being transported from A to B. Transport is mostly powered by fossil fuels. Air and noise pollution, fragmentation of ecosystems and landscapes, accidents and high resource consumption are the consequences.

Solutions are offered by electric cars, the use of muscle-powered vehicles such as bicycles and, above all, a change in our behaviour and lifestyles.

The films in this section show the impact of our mobility on the environment and options for resource-saving mobility.



Our movie tips for Mobility

Bikes vs Cars

Star rating: 4.5 of 6
88 min | Recommended min. age: 12 y
viewable for a fee

Bikes vs Cars

Aline Cavalcante, Dan Koeppel, Ivan Naurholm, Raquel Rolnik, Nicolas Habib, Don Ward, Rob Ford, Gil Peñalosa, Joel Ewanick, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Christina Deckwirt, Joshua Dysart, Liliana Godoy, Fabio Mendonça, Ricardo Correa, Evelyn Araripe, Otto Koeppel, Kalee Thompson, Karem Rojas
The film addresses the subject „motorized private transport“, a dominant environmental and energy-intensive problem worldwide. "Bikes vs. Cars“ encourages to reflect what makes a city worth living: multi-line motorways with inevitable traffic jam or socially and ecologically compatible mobility? The bicycle becomes a symbol for a global movement, which stands for freedom and environmental awareness. However, the film jury considers that bike transport as the only solution approach ends up to be too one-dimensional.
viewable for a fee
Star rating: 4.5 of 6
88 min | Recommended min. age: 12 y